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Benjamin Lee

Pastor, Mandarin Congregation

Pastor Benjamin Lee was born and grew-up Taiwan, and became Christian in his high school years. After he finished his education, he worked with the World Vision of Taiwan for four years. Then he answered God’s calling and went to Trinity Evangelical Divinity School to received his theological training. Later he went back to Taiwan became a full-time pastor and part-time instructor in Bible college. In 2002, pastor Lee moved back to the US and pastoring Chinese churches in New Jersey and Pittsburgh.

Pastor Lee believes pastor’s main responsibility is to equip saints (Eph 4:12), so they can use their spiritual gifts, in order to build up the body of Christ and spread the gospel. Instead of authoritative leadership style, I highly value team-leadership in the church.  Each team member should use his/her spiritual gift and support each other in order to expand God’s kingdom.



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