College Campus Ministries
Our church started in College Park in 1988. Due to our proximity to the University of Maryland, we have a special heart for students and young professionals. We like to go back to basics, the simple gospel based on the Bible. We love to see more people share the blessing of the gospel. You are welcome to explore with us how the Bible can be relevant to your life as well.
“We are near the heart of the campus, and the campus is in our heart.”
Pastor Samuel To
Roots is a college ministry of CBCCP. We reach the students at University of Maryland on their campus communities by holding events and training sessions.
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A Cantonese-speaking fellowship that is composed of mainly students and young professionals. Our Evangelistic Bible Study (EBS) Group accommodates anyone who is interested in our faith and might have questions to ask. Through studying the Bible and discussions, we want many to know and accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. We also participate in local charity services, prayer meetings, various outdoor activities and sports.
Meeting time: Every Friday 7:30 – 9:30pm. Dinner starts at 6:45pm
MCBSG 馬利蘭中文查經班
馬利蘭中文查經班(Maryland Chinese Bible Study Group) 是一群在馬利蘭週遭地區求學,工作的基督徒和有興趣了解,探討聖經的慕道朋友們所組成的學生團契。查經班成員大多來自兩岸三地以及東南亞國家,定期聚集共享甜美團契,探討基督信仰,以及與美國朋友學習地道英文。查經班熱情歡迎您出席我們的聚會!
內容︰詩歌敬拜, 真理探討, 英文學習, 專題演講